Saturday, November 1, 2008


Our House on Halloween
The Graveyard

Logan's the Grim Reaper and Emma's a Werewolf

Trevor's the scariest of all, The Candy Distributor

Megan is supposed to be a Sleepwalker, but everyone thought she was a Housewife.

The Masterpieces
Yesterday was a big blur of a day. The kids didn't have school so it was nice because we had all day to figure out costumes and get ready.
Megan went with a friend so Dave just had Emma, Logan and Logan's friend to take around the neighborhood. They filled their buckets and came home and emptied them and went back out and filled them once more. Trevor is much too old and mature to trick or treat ;) so he stayed and did the grown up thing of handing out the candy.
Trevor is having his 16Th Birthday party today at Boondock's. It's an arcade with Laser Tag and Racetracks and Miniature Golf and Virtual Rollercoaster Rides, etc. Dave is enduring the task of Chaperone. I'm sure he's miserable (Ha Ha). Trevor doesn't officially turn 16 until Monday so I'll have to write more about him then.