Monday, October 13, 2008

Bambi's Safe

It's been a busy couple of weeks, getting ready for deer hunting season. Dave's Mom and Dad came up on Wednesday and Trevor, Dave and his Dad left early, early Thursday morning for what they thought was opening day. Luckily a friend called and told Dave not to shoot anything because opening day wasn't until Friday. While They were fixing their lunch, a Bear thought their Pastrami smelled pretty good and came to get a closer look. It's hard to see it in the picture because it was walking away. They camped overnight and had to endure a noisy windy night in the tent. They saw some Deer and even shot at some but I guess the wind was making it too hard for them to aim straight because they didn't bring home a Deer. Trevor and David will probably go hunting again this weekend. Bambi, you've been warned.