Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Drive-In

Driving In
Waiting for the Sun to set
Snug as Bugs
We are fortunate enough to have a couple Drive-In movie theaters in our area. So it has become a yearly tradition to pile everyone into the truck and go to the Drive-In. We finally found a night where we liked both (It's a double feature) of the movies that were playing. Wall-E and Journey to the center of the Earth were the movies. I am in charge of making the Homemade Fudge, (the good kind not the marshmallow kind) gathering all of the pillows and blankets and having everything ready to dash out the door when Dave gets home from work. This year we took a little Butane stove and popped Jiffy Pop Popcorn on the tailgate of the truck. It worked out great. It's a fun tradition that we look forward to every summer.


rip said...

No fair! You can't post about your awesome fudge, and not post the recipe!
I'm just a LOT jealous!
p.s. I tagged you!